One Vast Cough of Strange Design
The wake-up call is not welcome to the sleeper
But it is salvation as the house is set on fire.
A lowly virus creeping from the pangolin
Might yet hide blessing in its wake.
The earth is slowly bringing healing to herself,
Hardly daring to breath large breaths of air,
But gaining confidence as she senses,
That the lower atmosphere is cleaner than before.
The land is gently sending out green shoots,
Aware that fossil fuels are less polluting,
And as Covid 19 starts touching human policy,
It seems that human fear is Gaia’s hope.
Upon the surface of the globe,
The world is slowing down,
The schools are shutting,
The transport dwindling,
People sleeping,
Trade abating,
Families talking,
Phones aglow,
In touch again.
Extinction Rebellion could not stop the heavy traffic
But Corona Virus felled the global movement
In one vast cough
Of strange design.
Pax et Bonum