
Love Banwell and Love Congresbury are the community arms of New Creation. They work collaboratively with their respective Parish Councils and other community organisations to host community events and work towards a multi-agency approach to social prescribing. They are known particularly for their ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ weekends.

Banwell hosts a weekly ‘coffee and chat’ under the banner of Love Banwell which is a village staple and Love Congresbury hosts the annual St. Congar’s Day celebrations and acts as the Village Fete Committee for the Summer Fete held on the last Saturday in June.

The pre-existing relationships forged by Love Banwell and Love Congresbury became invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic, with both organisations  working with North Somerset Council, Parish Councils and other agencies can target help within our communities under the North Somerset Together initiative, ensuring everyone had access to shopping and prescriptions during lockdown and beyond.

For more information, to request help or to volunteer please contact us through the Facebook pages or email Kirsty.