Bible Readings for Friday 30th April
Acts 13: 26-33
Psalm 2
John 14: 1-6
Surprised by Hope – Week 4 – Day 4
Bible Readings for Thursday 29th April
Acts 13: 13-25
Psalm 89: 1-2 and 20-26
John 13: 16-20
Surprised by Hope – Week 4 – Day 3
Bible Readings for Wednesday 28th April
Acts 12: 24-13 and 5
Psalm 67
John 12: 44-end
Surprised by Hope – Week 4 – Day 2
Bible Readings for Tuesday 27th April
Acts 11: 19-26
Psalm 87
John 10: 22-30
Surprised by Hope – Week 4 – Day 1
Bible Readings for Monday 26th April
Acts 15: 35-end
Ephesians 4: 7-16
Mark 13: 5-13