Hymns, Songs, Readings and other links for 17th Sunday of Trinity –
13th Sunday of Re-opening – A New Church for a New Society:
“Feast of St Francis”
“Themes in John’s Gospel.”
- Relationships – Part B (John 15:1-17)
Sunday 4th Oct 2020
Bible Readings:
Key Bible Reading:
John 15:1-17: If you would like to look up the reading for yourself – simply click the link:
Set Readings for today:
Isaiah 5:1-7 – Isaiah’s great cry that Israel has not been faithful comparing it to a Vineyard which was hoped would produce a great crop but which produced only ‘wild grapes.’ Very topical given our Bible Reading for our theme today – Jesus therefore came to be the “new Vine,” to be ‘Israel’ for Israel, because she couldn’t be.
Philippians 3:4b-14 – one of the great writings and teaching of Paul. Pure poetry and faith, putting Christ at the centre. Nothing Paul has experienced in his past compared or prepared him for knowing Jesus. And yet, he also goes on to say, there is still so much more to experience and discover. How things are is but the beginning.
Matthew 21:33-end – – Jesus’ powerful prophecy and parable about the Vineyard and what will happen to those who don’t look after it. It is a parable, in that it was talking not a bout a Vineyard as such, but about the nation of Israel and how it had been uncared for and hijacked by religious leaders who simply wanted power. It is also a prophecy, in that all that Jesus said came to pass, both regarding His own death but also about the Vineyard being taken away from those charged with caring for it – see the destruction of the Temple and the sacking of Jerusalem in AD70 and then again in 135AD.
Hymns and Songs for 17th Sunday after Trinity:
- “O, the deep, deep love of Jesus” Songs of Praise version with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TliCy09D3v0&t=126s
- Also version with a strong Russian flavour from Simon Khorolskiy, a passionate young Christian singer seeking to bring the Gospel and Christian music to his native land: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLTu1xv2-Us
- “There is a Redeemer” – by Keith Green – Songs of Praise version with Lyrics:
- “Jesus, be the centre” – with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw6rIwmkV6E
- “And can it be” (Amazing love):
- Version by Stuart Townend with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu2uA6U4Fxg
- Traditional Songs of Praise version with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQeIGbKqiw8
- “Here is love, vast as the ocean” – by Matt Redman with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8YOPj5TnUM
- “O God you search me, and you know me” by Bernadette Farrell with Lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ScBPE9v_I
Communion Prayer:
- Prayer over the Communion – “Behold the Lamb” by Stuart Townend, and Keith and Kirsten Getty lyrics version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlgd_uT3mmM
During Communion:
- “Make me a channel of your Peace” – well known Songs of Praise version with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daGWdbrSGBM
– as per last week, an original arrangement and version by Sarah MacLauchlan with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFkjdFgqOY4&feature=youtu.be
6. “Romance” from the Gadfly – by Dmitri Shostakovich (played by Laura Heathcote): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDW4VJGKLAQ
Children’s Song:
7. “Wide, wide as the Ocean” – with Lyrics and Actions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9KnSK680yg
We have been told by Facebook that unfortunately we are not able to play recorded artists during the actual “Livestream” itself at present, so we are playing certain videos either Before or After as a physical Church. So that everyone can share in a full experience of the breadth of the worship life of the Church details of this music is given here:
As the Service begins:
- “Heart of Worship” by Matt Redman (with incredible ‘back art’): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1X_ev2OILA
- “Weep with me” by Rend Collective lyrics version:
After the Livestream:
- “Jacob’s song” by Br Isaiah SSF (Franciscans of the Renewal) – in celebration of the Feast of St Francis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9WFac5WEDg
Other songs:
- “Open Space” – by Housefires – Gemma writes, “‘Open space’ is a song by ‘Housefires’ (sorry I love them) And it tells our relationship with Jesus and when he shows us he’s there for us we really feel his presence in all we do ! And we are stronger because we are all united in Jesus Christ! The backing music behind the lyrics too makes it such a peaceful song to listen too”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpdloYnlQJU&app=desktop
- “O come, O come, Immanuel”– by Joshua Aaron (in English and Hebrew) live recording in the Tower of David, in Jerusalem – in celebration of the Jewish Festival of Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles – God with us!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFoFOZmSIfY
- Example of Selfless love – Diego Mentriga helps British Triathlete, James Teagle to claim his 3rd place after James crashes out. Remarkable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NjRL-K5RM0
- A celebration about all things Franciscan: “From Bronx to Bradford.” A great insight into the power and action of God at work through love:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL9TGKRaVpA&t=1098s
And from last week:
- “Love: Agape” – Word Study by the Bible Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slyevQ1LW7A
- “Love: Ahavah” – Word Study by the Bible Project:
Film/TV Series
- “The Chosen” (TV mini-series) – this is a courageous project to tell the story of Jesus as a TV series. Financed by crowd funding around the world, it has attracted record viewing numbers in the order of 59 million. Well worth watching – Series 1 now released. (You might find you wish to fast forward over the Director/Producer’s quite lengthy introductions at the beginning and reflections at the end.) Available on YouTube and downloadable as an App from the App store to come straight to your phone or tablet. Episode 1 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=craeyJdrCsE
- “The Sultan and the Saint” a documentary film, crowd funded across the world, looking at the historic and legendary meeting of St Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt, Al-Kamil in 1219. Brilliantly put together with many insights we could all learn from in today’s world. Can be purchased via Amazon (comes form the US).