Return to ‘Hybrid Church’ as of Sunday 25th April

Following a meeting of the Joint Leadership Team on Wednesday, both Church Councils have decided that they wish to begin “physical” worship again, alongside and integrated with “online” worship, in what we call “Hybrid Church,” as from Sunday 25th April.

The service on the 25th will be in Congresbury, and then it will alternate, week by week, with Banwell, as it did before. Those from each community, and those who have joined during this time “online” are very welcome to attend either ‘physical’ Church for worship subject to all the previous COVID rules:

  • Everyone must wear a Facemask, sanitise their hands, and be willing to undertake “test and trace.”
  • People will need to be willing to sit in their ‘bubbles,’ up to a maximum of six in a bubble, and to keep a two-metre distance from other bubbles.
  • Sadly, at present there still cannot be any singing by the congregation when we are in the Church building.
  • Communion is taken in the form of “bread only.”
  • Obviously, if you are aware of having been in contact with a case of COVID, or are showing any symptoms, please refrain from physically attending Church and seek medical attention if needed.
  • Finally, after the service, we kindly ask people to leave promptly in your bubbles to keep social interaction to a minimum.

The Wardens and others are very aware that ‘returning’ to ‘physical’ Church will be a great blessing for some, and of considerable concern for others.  It is simply there as part of our offering as a Church community – we will continue with “online Church” as an integrated aspect to our physical worship, and we will continue with Church@Home link groups, Pew News and the offer of Home Communion which is open and available to all.

To find out more about any of these or to discuss any concerns please send us a message or speak to one of the Wardens in either Church.

Matt Thomson.

Our Condolences for the death of HRH Prince Philip

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to Her Majesty and the Royal family at this time. There is an online Book of Remembrance at or through the Church of England here where people will be able to express their condolences.

Our churches remain open for private prayer and we will have a physical Book of Remembrance in Congresbury and an opportunity to write messages of sympathy in Banwell for those unable to access online.

We also have a designated area for those who wish to lay flowers, adjacent to our Easter crosses of Hope.

As a mark of respect, the flags at St. Andrew’s, Banwell and The Old School Rooms in Congresbury will fly at half mast.

Prince Philip was born on the Greek island of Corfu on 10 June 1921.

His father was Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, a younger son of King George I of the Hellenes. His mother, Princess Alice, was a daughter of Prince Louis of Battenberg and a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

Prince Philip and the Queen had four children, eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

We pray for The Queen and the Royal Household in this difficult time.

Further information can be found at the Banwell Parish Council Website or Congresbury Parish Council Website