During the COVID-19 period of social distancing, the Flares youth group is operating through Facebook groups and Zoom video calls.
Our Facebook page, which is updated daily with ideas, prayers and the knowledge that we are still able to grow in our faith even though we can’t meet in person at the moment.
To join in please email our Youth Worker Caz Carter on caz.carter@newcreationchurches.org.uk

Flares usually meets on Sundays from 6-8pm at St Andrew’s Refectory, Congresbury and is open to all those of Secondary school age.
We try to keep this group light and fun whilst also encouraging them to grow in their faith and taking part in the life of the church is very important.
Flares is a valuable session at the end of a busy week for the young people to see their friends and learn about God in the process. It works as they keep coming back for more!