Themes in the Gospel of John

John’s Gospel is such an engaging account of Jesus’ life.  Known as the “spiritual” Gospel, John had more time than the others to sit back, not only to remember the events of Jesus’ life as best as he could, but also to think in greater depth about what they, therefore could mean. 

In our Sunday Worship we will be looking at various “themes” in John’s Gospel, based on a course from Tom Wright, the New Testament writer,  to try and let this “meaning about who Jesus is, and what He was trying to do and to say” to live and breathe amongst us as a Church community and as we look to the future.  There are seven themes in all:

  • Justice,
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Beauty
  • Freedom
  • Truth
  • Power

Then, throughout the week, in our Daily Blog, will be unpacking the theme and looking at it a little more deeply.  

The first week of our new blog will begin to introduce John’s Gospel and its themes by looking at 7 signs performed by Jesus. 

As the material we will be using is “Online” material, there isn’t a book as such that accompanies the course, however Tom Wright has written a daily commentary on John’s Gospel which would be an alternative or companion resource during this time, “John for Everyone” (comes in two Parts – Part 1 and Part 2) and is available from Eden Christian Bookshop online, Amazon, or on eBook via Amazon Kindle.    

Sunday 1 – Introduction

Introduction to Themes in John’s Gospel and the First Sign – Turning Water into Wine

Week 1 – Signs

Day 1 – Cleansing the Temple
Day 2 – Healing the Official’s Son
Day 3 – Healing the Lame Man on the Sabbath
Day 4 – Feeding the Multitude
Day 5 – Healing the Blind Man
Day 6 – The Raising of Lazarus

Theme 1: Justice

Sunday 2 – Introduction to Justice: Part A – God’s Understanding and Call to Justice.

Introduction to the Theme of Justice: Part A – Key Text: John 12: 20-33

Week 2: Justice: Part A – God’s Understanding and Call to Justice

Day 7 – Justice. Key Text: Isaiah 55: 1-11
Day 8 – Justice. Key Text: Psalm 72
Day 9 – Justice. Key Text: Matthew 5: 17-20
Day 10 – Justice. Key Text: John 5: 24-30
Day 11 – Justice. Key Text: John 18 and 19
Day 12 – Justice. Key Text: Isaiah 53

Sunday 3: Introduction to Justice: Part B – Working out Justice in Today’s World

Introduction to the Theme of Justice : Part B – Key Text: John 16: 1-15

Week 3: Justice: Part B – Working out Justice in Today’s World

Day 13 – Justice. Key Text: Micah 6: 1-8
Day 14- Justice. Key Text: Acts 17: 16-34
Day 15 – Justice. Key Text: John 20: 19-23
Day 16 – Justice. Key Text: Ruth 2: 1-23
Day 17 – Justice. Key Text: Amos 5: 14-24
Day 18 – Justice. Key Text: Galatians 3: 15-25

Theme 2: Relationships

Sunday 4: Introduction to Relationships: Part A – God’s Understanding of Relationships

Introduction to the Theme of Relationships : Part A – Key Text: John 17: 14-26

Week 4: Relationships: Part A – God’s Understanding of Relationships

Day 19 – Relationships. Key Text: Deuteronomy 10: 12-13
Day 20 – Relationships. Key Text: 1 John 4: 7-12
Day 21 – Relationships. Key Text: Mark 10: 35-45
Day 22 – Relationships. Key Text: John 13: 1-10
Day 23 – Relationships. Key Text: John 19: 16-37
Day 24 – Relationships. Key Text: John 19: 25-27

Sunday 5: Introduction to Relationships: Part B – Application of How God Sees Relationships in our World

Introduction to the Theme of Relationships : Part B – Key Text: John 15: 1-17

Week 5: Application of How God Sees Relationships in our World

Day 25 – Relationships. Key Text: John 13: 31-35
Day 26 – Relationships. Key Text: Luke 22: 54-60
Day 27 – Relationships. Key Text: John 21: 15-19
Day 28 – Relationships. Key Text: John 2: 1-11
Day 29 – Relationships. Key Text: Mark 7: 24-30
Day 30 – Relationships. Key Text: John 17: 20-26

Theme 3: Spirituality

Sunday 6: Introduction to the Theme of Spirituality: Part A – Going to the Source of our Spirituality

Introduction to the Theme of Spirituality: Part A – Key Text: John 7: 37-44

Week 6: Going to the Source of our Spirituality

Day 31 – Spirituality. Key Text: Psalm 42 and Psalm 43
Day 32 – Spirituality. Key Text: Isaiah 55: 1-13
Day 33 – Spirituality. Key Text: Ezekiel 47: 1-12 and Revelation 22: 1-5
Day 34 – Spirituality. Key Text: John 2: 13-22
Day 35 – Spirituality. Key Text: John 4: 19-26
Day 36 – Spirituality. Key Text: Isaiah 6: 1-8

Sunday 7: Introduction to Spirituality: Part B – How Meeting with Jesus as the Source , then Inspires us to Share this Life:- Giving Spirituality and Water in the World

Introduction to the Theme of Spirituality: Part B – Key Text: John 20: 1-31

Week 7: Giving Spirituality and Water in the World

Day 37 – Spirituality. Key Text: John 5: 1-18
Day 38 – Spirituality. Key Text: Luke 13: 10-17
Day 39 – Spirituality. Key Text: John 9: 1-41
Day 40 – Spirituality. Key Text: Matthew 25: 31-46
Day 41 – Spirituality. Key Text: John 3: 1-15
Day 42 – Spirituality. Key Text: Luke 9: 1-6

Theme 4: Beauty

Sunday 8: Introduction to the Theme of Beauty.

Introduction to the Theme of Beauty – Key Text: John 13: 1-17

Week 8: Beauty: Part A – Discovering how Scripture Points us to God’s Beauty.

Day 43 – Beauty. Key Text: Psalm 19 and Psalm 8
Day 44 – Beauty. Key Text: Isaiah 6: 1-8 and Revelation 4: 1-8
Day 45 – Beauty. Key Text: Isaiah 11: 6-12
Day 46 – Beauty. Key Text: Psalm 65
Day 47 – Beauty. Key Text: John 1: 14
Day 48 – Beauty. Key Text: John 13: 1-17

(Note: Sunday 9 was Remembrance Sunday 2020)

Week 9: Beauty: Part B – Beauty in Action.

Day 49 – Beauty. Key Text: John 18: 33-40
Day 50 – Beauty. Key Text: John 11: 1-44
Day 51 – Beauty. Key Text: Psalm 105 and 106
Day 52 – Beauty. Key Text: Psalm 8
Day 53 – Beauty. Key Text: Isaiah 40: 28-31
Day 54 – Beauty. Key Text: Isaiah 2: 1-5

Theme 5: Freedom

Sunday 10: Introduction to the Theme of Freedom

Introduction to the Theme of Freedom: Part A – Key Text: John 19: 25-36

Week 10: Freedom: Part A

Day 55 – Freedom. Key Text: John 2: 13-21
Day 56 – Freedom. Key Text: John 6: 1-13
Day 57 – Freedom. Key Text: John 9-19: 25-36
Day 58 – Freedom. Key Text: John 8: 31-36
Day 59 – Freedom. Key Text: Galatians 5: 17-21
Day 60 – Freedom. Key Text: Matthew 7: 1-5

Sunday 11: Introduction to the Theme of Freedom: Part B – The Freedom of The Spirit

Introduction to the Theme of Freedom: Part B. Key Text: John 14: 15-21

Week 11: Freedom: Part B- Freedom and Human Responsibility

Day 61 – Freedom. Key Text: Romans 6: 1-14
Day 62 – Freedom. Key Text: 2 Corinthians 3: 7-18
Day 63 – Freedom. Key Text: Letter to Philemon
Day 64 – Freedom. Key Text: John 10: 14-18
Day 65 – Freedom. Key Text: John 21: 15-19
Day 66 – Freedom. Key Text: Romans 8: 1-4

Theme 6: Truth

Sunday 12: Introduction to the Theme of Truth: Part A – Here is Jesus Before Pilate.

Introduction to Truth: Part A. Key Text: John 18: 33-38 and 19: 1-16

Week 12: Truth: Part A – The Spirit of Truth in God’s New World

Day 67 – Truth. Key Text: Romans 3: 1-9
Day 68 – Truth. Key Text: John 5: 19-38
Day 69 – Truth. Key Text: Psalm 78
Day 70 – Truth. Key Text: John 8: 31-42
Day 71 – Truth. Key Text: John 14: 14-21
Day 72 – Truth. Key Text: John 15: 26-27

Sunday 13: Introduction to Truth: Part B – Witness to Love

Introduction to Truth: Part B. Key Text: John 10: 1-18

Week 13: Truth: Part B – Witness to Truth

Day 73 – Truth. Key Text: Genesis 1: 1- 2: 3a
Day 74 – Truth. Key Text: John 19: 28-37
Day 75 – Truth. Key Text: Matthew 25: 31-46
Day 76 – Truth. Key Text: John 9: 11-18
Day 77 – Truth. Key Text: John 20: 11-18

Theme 7: Power

Sunday 14 : Introduction to the Theme of Power – The Power of Love

Introduction to Power: Key Text: John 21: 15-22

Week 14 : Power – The Power of God’s love

Day 79 – Power. Key Text: John 1: 19-35
Day 80 – Power. Key Text: Mark 10: 35-45
Day 81 – Power. Key Text: John 18: 33-40
Day 82 – Power. Key Text: John 19: 1-11
Day 83 – Power. Key Text: John 19: 25-27
Day 84 – Power. Key Text: Matthew: 5: 1-12