The Parables

A look at The Parables of Jesus through the work of Paula Gooder.

Part 1: The Land and all that lives on it.

1: Weeds and wheat, sowing and growing.

The seed and the soil – (The sower)
The wheat and the weeds – (The tares)
The growing seed
The mustard seed

2: On vines, vineyards and fruit trees.

Good and bad fruit
The fruitful fig tree – (The lesion of the fig tree)
The fig tree that hasn’t fruited…Yet – (The barren fig tree)
The vine and the branches
The tenants in the vineyard – (The wicked tenants)
The worker in the vineyard – (The labourers in the vineyard)

3: Fishing

The fishing net

4: Shepherds, Sheep and Goats.

The sheep, the gate and the good shepherd
The lost sheep
The sheep and the goats

Part 2: Houses and Their Occupants.

5: Everyday objects.

A new patch on an old coat: new wine in an old wineskin
Salt – Salt of the earth
Lamp on a lampstand – (Lamp under a bushel)
I am the light of the world
What contaminates you – (Things that defile)
I am the bread of life
The lost coin

6: Buildings and their owners.

Two Builder  – (The wise and foolish builder)
A house swept clean – (The return of the unclean spirit )
Treasures new and old
A narrow gate/door
House owners and burglars

7: Families  

The lost son – (The Prodigal Son)
The two sons

8: Slaves and their masters.

Watchful slaves (1)
Watchful slaves (2)
Reliable and wicked slaves – (The faithful or unfaithful slaves)
On doing what you should
The compassionate king and the unmerciful slave – (The unmerciful slave)
The shrewd manger – (The dishonest manger)
Serving two masters
The three/ten slaves – (The talents)

9: Weddings and banquets

Fasting with the bridegroom
The highest and lowest seats at the feast
An invitation to a banquet
The ten young woman

Part 3: Money – Having it and Lacking it.

10: Money: Having it.

Bigger barns
Camels and eyes of needles
The rich man and Lazarus

11: Money: Lacking it.

A moneylender who forgives debts
Hidden treasure
The valuable pearl
A friend in need
The persistent widow

Part 4: Odds and Ends

12: Parables that don’t fit easily elsewhere

A woman in labour
Specks, planks and the blind
Children in the town centre
On building a tower or going into battle
The neighbourly Samaritan
The Pharisee and the tax collector