Rule of Life for Lockdown

A message from Howard:-

Call for People who want to Create A Rule of Life for Lockdown 

If anyone in New Creation Churches and further afield is interested in exploring how to create a Rule of Life amidst the restrictions of Lockdown, please join me in weekly conversation over the period of weeks before restrictions are lifted.

Matt and I (and the PCCs) wish to offer a virtual home group online that starts with Bible Study (looking at  1 Thessalonians when the early Church worked out how to live in a time of lock down and persecution), goes on to consider our daily living and then works towards establishing a Communal Rule of Life.

If this takes off, we will look at the insights of the Celtic saints and begin to build a Communal Rule (The Rule of St Congar?) that considers how we build habits of worship, service and mission. Who knows, we might emerge from lockdown with greater balance than before.

If this sounds something that you’d like to be a part of, it will mean prioritising an hour each week from 7.30-8.30pm. You will need a computer to get on line (for Zoom or LifeSize), a Bible and a desire to change.

The next question is the evening (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday). Please e-mail me on and I’ll gather interest and identify the best date. Ideally we’d start the week beginning 11 May (if this has wider traction).

Howard Worsley (07528 565 600) 28 April

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